This method is described as “an effective betting approach, which has been profitable over 15 years for its shrewd followers”. All forms of investing or gambling must have a sound basis for correctly assessed predictions if it is to be profitable over the long term. Gambling at football online or at your local bookmakers, can be risky but remains one of the few forms of betting that gives the informed punter a real chance of making an excellent profit. The only reason most bookmakers survive is mainly down to the haphazard way most of their clients approach betting. It is not too difficult to make sure you are one of the few winning punters if you are prepared to put in some effort.
This ratings system directs you to the profitable bets that can be exploited for your gain. Our old enemy the bookmaker will always continue as it is the chancers and guessers who keep them in business. By using this unique ratings system, you are at least giving yourself a fair chance of making sure you are one of the 2% of punters who make money from football betting. This unique ratings system offers you the chance to assess each football team’s form and to produce your own simple but accurate ratings.
Any daily newspaper or specialist paper can be used to operate this method. You only need each team’s last three results. This method originated from a method devised over 30 years ago by one of the first professional punters, and as far as I am aware the method has been in constant use by a few fortunate people since its introduction all those years ago. I believe that this rating system has more than stood the test of time!
The rating system has only ever passed on by word of mouth; in fact, any interested parties were invited then at the sole discretion of the originator of the plan, along a series of presentations, paying a huge fee for each session. They were very successful and these very fortunate people who attended went on their way armed with their newfound knowledge and beat the bookmakers for many years to come.