This method was advertised by circular, in which the vendor advises, “From many years of studying betting methods and systems, I now know how to make it pay. The kids are grown, the mortgage is paid off and although I now have more money in the bank, I am more cautious than ever with my betting. Today my betting pays superb dividends.
Before I back a horse I take multiple factors into consideration, “factors that most racing journalists ignore.. With me, my cash is on the line and I cannot afford to make too many mistakes. As I rely solely on my betting for my income, my strike rate has to be high “between 60% and 75%”. That is my aim every season and if it falls below 60% I stop and review everything I am doing until I have sourced the problem.
I am ultra careful when I select my horses. They have to win or I lose my money. That’s why I am so dedicated to the sport I love, and that is why I call it an art. I am proud of my achievements and I make a lot of money from my betting.
I have now prepared a powerful working manual to help others achieve the same level of success that I achieve. It costs just £20 (£8 from Castle) and from it you will learn things about racing and betting that will never have occurred to you before. You will be able to detect highly important elements that others are not able to detect. I must confess that much of the inspiration for my system has come from the great professional gamblers like Alex Bird, Phil Bull, Barney Curly, Paul Cooper and Jack Ramsden. They all became millionaires through gambling because they knew what they were doing. They didn’t take chances, they were ruthless and ice-cool!
You will find that this is a no-nonsense system – just priceless information that will never have occurred to you in a hundred years, and it will sustain you for the rest of your life.