“Place One Bet a Day and Make £549.27 Profit Every Month”!!!
The vendor for this method describes it as, “The ultimate all-weather horse racing system. Place one bet per day and make £549.27 profit every month!”
What has the All Weather Gold System done over the last 12 months?
1. It has produced 435 selections (an average of just over 1 selection per day)
2. Of these 435 Selections, 134 have produced a profit. That’s 30.8% of all bets placed producing some kind of profit.
3. At £25 per point betting, you can earn an average £549.27 profit every single month!
The system was developed by Joe Gold, who states, “I’m an ex-analyst at a large high street bank, so I love looking over data. Now that I have 12 months of data for my all weather betting system, I’m going to start analyzing it and looking for trends to improve this system further.
The system is broken down into 2 parts: First is how you select the correct race and obviously step 1 is to make sure it is an all-weather race. After this there are 4 steps you need to follow to find a race that meets the criteria. All of the information you need to find the relevant race is freely available.
Once you have a race identified, it’s time to look at the selections in the race. Again, this is a simple 4 step criteria.
Looking at the results from 1st October 2015 to 30th September 2016, based on £25 per point betting at Betfair prices: Bets placed 435 – Profitable Bets 134 – Total Profit £6,541.25. You too can back an average of 36 bets per month and make just short of £550 profit! Are you ready to profit from All-Weather Racing?