The vendor for this method states, “In a seven-day period that this online roulette strategy was recently re-tested, it won on five days and lost on two…. a 71.4 % success rate. Each test produced a PROFIT of around £100 (one hundred pounds sterling) and lasted about 30 minutes. An earlier test, over a longer period, produced a similar result. You should soon find these facts to be true… if you buy this manual and follow the simple instructions revealed in it.
This is a simple, easy-to-apply roulette strategy that can be quite lucrative. It works only on Online European Roulette platforms. As you probably know already, the European roulette wheel has only ONE zero pocket. On the other hand, the American roulette wheel has TWO zero pockets. The European roulette wheel is more convenient & rewarding for this roulette system. Virtually all of the reputable online bookmakers offer European roulette, so you’ll have no problem finding places to bet.
The system is easy and simple to apply. The manual reveals the full and simple instructions that you have to follow to implement this roulette system to WIN MONEY REGULARLY! The roulette strategy described in this manual works! It can be very profitable if you apply it as per the instructions given in the manual. However, and very importantly, you should NOT be greedy. That means, you MUST quit when you are ahead (in profit). You can then go to a different bookmaker’s website to apply the system. This roulette system can last you a lifetime! You can use it to win money again and again, day after day, all year round. You can make a good, regular extra income with this online roulette system.