“It is difficult to match ‘3 Numbers’ on the ‘Pick- 3’ lottery, right?… not anymore… I have just made it easier!!! Do you know what the odds of getting 3 numbers in. pick 3 game out of 49 numbers are? I in 1000. It is hard enough getting 3 Numbers correct when selecting 6 Numbers as you try to hit the jackpot. So how the hell are we supposed to hit 3 Numbers on a regular basis? The Bookies know that we cannot… The Betting Organizations know that we have little or no chance. So what do they do? They offer ridiculous BIG ODDS because they know that us bettors will always continue to take the punt as soon as they dangle the carrot. Let us rewind back to those odds. Would we really take a gamble on 3 Numbers so blindly if we really knew just how high those odds were?… YES, of course we would – the money is tempting ‘cold hard cash’… even though we will probably lose 10 times the amount offered by the time that we might eventually win. So is there a solution to stop the bookies in their tracks? or even put a small dent into the lottery organisations’ bank balance? Ladies and Gentelmen, introducing ‘THE DOUBLE CHANCE LOTTERY SYSTEM’!!! Ideal for: Irish Lotto; Daily Millions; Hotpicks; French; Polish… and many more pick 3 lottery games.
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