The vendor for this method states, “Hello fellow roulette player! I’m sure you’ve seen many over-hyped headlines before, all loaded with wild fortune-making claims (how could they not be true??) so how about I skip the deliberately dazzling spiel and just tell you what my system is and is not. If you’re after four figure weeks or some “turn £50 into £500 in 5 minutes” magic bullet, this is not the system for you. As appealing as that sounds, it’s false expectation – after all, would any such claims be realistic? Surely any big money wins must be repeatable otherwise it’s not a system. My method is a genuine system because anyone who can follow instructions can implement it repeatedly and consistently.
My strategy is specifically designed for two objectives: (1) bank profit as close to spin-by-spin as possible, (2) play from a profits-only bankroll to remove risk to your own money. Profitability will always vary, but £15-20 hourly low end and £40+ hourly high end is not an unrealistic returns range.
This method also has nothing to do with ‘pattern play’. Many systems rely on nonsense like “wait for 6 Reds in a row then bet Black” or “if 3 of the last 10 spins were Black bet Red” etc. The simple truth is every spin is its own unique, random, and independent event. Hitting X number of Red doesn’t magically make the odds of the next spin being Red any more or less likely, yet so many assume it does, so they look for an arbitrary number of outcomes to call “a pattern” and bet on it.
My system utilises every spin so you can play every spin with NO need for “magic patterns”. Precise instructions are given for every possible outcome so there’s NO ambiguity. My bet strategy operates from minimum risk scenario, meaning not one penny gets risked unnecessarily. There’s NO complicated mathematics, NO crazy loss chasing involved, and NO martingale bet doubling. If you’re looking for a sensible, stable and reliable approach to a game of percentages and probabilities, that’s ground in logic, not hype, in methodical precision and not guesswork, then this is for you!