The vendor describes this method as being without question the best betting plan ever advertised. Do not confuse this offer with other inferior systems you have suffered with in the past. The success of the system is attributed to the sheer fundamental racing logic around that the plan was originally evolved. By using its ingenious techniques, the system reveals horses that are approaching their peak. You will only be backing horses that are super fit and only intend racing to win. These principles have stood the test of time in such a resolute fashion that it would take a major reversal in form patterns to significantly alter the winning trend now. In the years since operating the formula, it has shown on average 10 points profit each week (£500 profit per week at £50 a point stakes). This is at a one-point level stake after deduction of all losers. Initially, you might not think this is so great, especially when you read other advertisements promising profits of 140 points per week etc. To achieve that sort of profit you need to back 20-1 winners every da and we all know that’s impossible. Any level-headed person will realise the potential of the returns from my formula. If you were to back every selection to a single level stake of £10 then your profit would be £100 per week, or £500 per week profit to £50 stakes etc. Because of the level staking you can start with very little capital and as your profits increase so can the size of your stakes, which will in turn bring greater riches. The average starting price of the winners is about 4-1. In a normal week I back around 8 horses, out of which 4 will win. That’s a 50% Strike Rate, which isn’t bad, as most of the winners are in the region of 4-1. As an extra bonus, I also back on many occasions some nice priced winners such as these during the flat season, 20-1, 20-1, 16-1, 14-1, 9-1, 8-1, plus numerous winners at 15-2, 7-1, 6-1 etc. Please note that all of these results are easily checkable from the form-books. There is only ever one horse in any one race, which is backed to win. It is very simple to understand, with no long and complicated rules to fathom out. All bets are found by name, days in advance of racing. Consequently, selections can be backed without the need to attend the bookies or to monitor the racing. The vendor goes on to state that this is a genuine level stake formula with no staking plans included at all, and no stop at a winner conditions. The formula is my own privately used plan and it has never been offered to the public before now. I am willing to sell the formula now after enjoying years of fruitful rewards by using the formula as I am faced with the very increasing problem of finding a bookmaker who will accept my wagers. This was inevitable despite continual attempts to keep my coup a secret. Therefore I now feel the time is right to market the plan, but only in a limited way so as not to spoil prices. I will derive an extra income and at the same time will gain great satisfaction in helping punters who perhaps are in the same situation as I was before my discovery of the formula. Remember, just four years ago I was completely penniless with nothing to my name. Now I live in my own desirable house, have a second home by the coast and enjoy all the advantages that come with financial success. I have made a personal fortune from horse racing. I am now offering you the opportunity to do likewise with The Fast Track to Wealth Formula. The Fast Track to Wealth Formula is the best horseracing system ever seen! Originally sold by Castle at £20.
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