This method has been sold for an incredible £500. The vendor of this method has looked at the recent results and has confirmed that this method certainly works and that he has been following this method with his own money. The system indicates just one (and on the odd occasion two) bets per day, with selections indicated by name. A bank of only 30 points is recommended and the winning percentage for the selections chosen by this method is 55%.
A sensible staking plan is included with this method free of charge. Mr Huntley included with his circular a full list of results from the commencement of the National Hunt Season and the vendor confirmed that the results that he quoted appeared to be correct.
The results which Mr Huntley enclosed covered a period of 10 weeks of an opening National Hunt Season. During this period there were 48 bets, an average of just under 5 per week. From these bets only 10 were out of the first 3 in their respective races. He achieved a total of 19 winning bets, this his average percentage of winners was slightly higher than the claimed 55%. The longest losing run in that period was only 3 and that happened on just 2 occasions. On the other side of the coin, Mr Huntley’s longest winning run was 6. That appeared on just one occasion. He also had a winning run of 4 on one occasion and two runs of 3 consecutive winners on two occasions!!
If you are looking for a well-established Method of Selection and sensible staking plan, then look no further. This Gordon Huntley System really does fit the bill. The bottom line is that in only 10 weeks of the National Hunt System, the Gordon Huntley System made A PROFIT OF OVER £2000 TO ONLY £25 STAKES. That is a nice Tax-Free Income of some £200 per week. Since the Vendor himself received a copy of this method on the 18th November, he decided to test it using £20 stakes. There were a total of 9 selections in the 9 days covered, of which 7 won. This provided a total profit of £263.83 in just 9 days. There you have it and now you can see why Mr Huntley was asking for a fee of £500.