This is a simple handicap horse racing winning system that could help you to accurately select the most likely winner of any upcoming handicap race. In this short manual / report, the writer explains how YOU could apply the system to select winning horses in handicap horse races and use them to win some money regularly.
The strategy can also be used for non-handicap horse races, but it seems to work better with handicap races… all codes of racing. You can, of course, test it on both handicap and non-handicap races before deciding to apply it on one or the other or both.
This horse racing system can give you many wins every week, and you can find selections in only a few minutes. Also, selections can be found the night before racing, thereby giving you enough time to place your bets.
However, it does require you to make some very easy & simple calculations, either in your mind or with a calculator. Don’t worry about it….it is easy to do.
This system is recession-proof, and you’ll soon be betting with the bookmakers’ money (i.e., your winnings) to win a decent amount of money every day, week and month. The size of your winnings, of course, would depend partly on the amount of money you stake on your bets.
The system is easy to understand, easy to follow and reliable. Also, it can produce many selections a day, depending on the number of meetings and races available that day.
This system can be used on all HANDICAP races, in all codes of racing, and all the year round.
The system works for UK and Irish racing, and also for horse racing anywhere else in the world (so long as the right information is displayed in the race cards). “Right” information means information about each horse’s past performance.
This horse racing system is simple, yet powerful. It chooses horses that have a great chance of winning their individual races, or at least placing 2nd or 3rd. You can use it to pick many winners every day, every week, all the year round.
This system produces long-term profitability, regular well-priced winners, and comes with simple, straight-forward instructions.